I. Private lessons
Singing - beginners and professionals
Piano - beginner, song accompaniment
Guitar - beginner, song accompaniment
Musiktherapie, Stimmbildung
Single lesson:
€ 70,-- / 55 min. (Discounts and home visits possible)
Single voice consultation
€ 70,-- / 55 min.
More about the first voice consultation
In the one-hour consultation, you receive qualified feedback on your tone of voice, your sense of harmony and rhythm and your intonation. Likewise, there is feedback on the way you implement your feelings and your use of energy while singing.
Furthermore, basic vocal techniques and exercises for the expansion of resonance chambers are taught, as well as theoretical knowledge regarding the connection between the body and the voice. After this lesson you can assess your talent much better, which always leads to being more confident in your own voice.
II. Early musical life for children
In groups and private lessons, prices by appointment.
III. Music therapy
Single session € 70,-- / 55 min.
IV. Kundalini-Yoga
Single lesson € 70,-- / 55 min.
V. Energetic psychology vibration treatments
Single lesson € 70,-- / 55 min.